If you're a musician and you can't find a girl in Manhattan, then you REALLY have problems.
The move and accompanying lifestyle changes that it will bring with it will probably be just the thing. I don't suggest changing your look to attract a potential mate, because if you land that girl and begin to revert back, and it was only your look whe was interested in, she'll leave and you'll just be bummed out more. You should never have to replace your wardrobe to get a girl. Once you've GOT the girl, you can add a few things to it for when you take her out to show off to the city.
I agree with what others have said above. The best thing is to stop actively seeking one out. The right one will find you. Trouble is, at that point, a few will hit at once, and also keep in mind that an "attached" male is often more appetizing to a woman than a single one. The reason is that if girl #1 is dating you (or even better, married to you) then girl #2 knows that girl #1 has found something in you that makes you relationship material and her interest is piqued.
Anyway, let us know how you do, but trust us, you'll be fine. You're also 22, and have PLENTY of time.