Originally posted by Moonduck
Well, I've thought about taking bets on what happens after death, but how do you collect on them?
Self ends at death. Perhaps that which constitutes you goes on to reincarnate. I'm not enough of a Buddhist to really believe in reincarnation.
Reincarnation is my favorite religous base by far as it lets me continue throughout the human race seening us grow, and the things that we will accomplish.
This said its also the most illogical of all the reliongs, because how long do you really believe that the human race will survive for
I say less than 1000 more years.
Intellignence is not a good survival trait.
The human race also grows and and exponential rate, are we just creating new souls for every new being?
reincarnation all be it very satisfying doesn't seem to hold water to me.
A resounding theme throughout relgion is to become a contributing member of society.
So if there is a heaven. I'm sure that the qualifications to get in would be to have lead a "good life" if you study the religions a good life is a fairly universal throughout the spectrum of relgions.