been a while since ive used anything save stylexp, but heres how they stack up (or at least have in the past, someone correct me if im wrong).
litestep is an actual shell replacement. open my computer? thats "explorer". explorer is the basic UI of all windows operating systems. litestep replaces explorer with "litestep.exe". generally it best performs as a minimalistic setup. also, theres not a whole lot of scripted dynamism, you have to pull the strings through a central cfg file and accompanying extentions used as you so choose
window blinds is more straight forward, but the last i had heard/known (i havent checked out latest release, so i dont know how it works) is that it merely ads a skin over existing windows, effectively change the look/colors without actually using XP built-in skinning capabilities.
stylexp is what ive been using, and while there have been the occasional bug, it seems to be the best skinning program for xp. it uses the xp base of skinning, and people have pulled off some fairly incredible things with it, standalone or in conjunction with various plugins/complimentary applications
im really too tired to think straight, so if not all of this makes sense, ill be with you in the morning