When I was still in college, I had an interesting conversation with a friend of my roommate at the time. He was a self-admitted Christian and serious about his beliefs. I was, at the time, a self-admitted atheist prick that enjoyed screwing with Christians for some misanthropic reason.
We'd been arguing religion for a while and it came down to an agree to disagree situation. I decided, in my smart-ass way, to give him one chance to sway my views. He said, "I can't sway your views. You either feel it deep down, or you don't."
It was one of the most profound things I'd heard about faith, and his delivery was dead serious. That sort of off-handed tone that a good listener detects utter truth in. I consider that to be one of the most amazing things I've heard in my life, and I'm too poor a wordsmith to convey the impression it made, or why it made such an impression.
I evolved beyond my atheist pricks days to realize that lack of faith was more a weakness than a strength. I hit life face-first and found out that there is no comfort in atheism. When life has you truly down, there is nothing to turn to in atheism. It is a hollow faith. Yes, atheism is a faith in a way. There are plenty of atheist crusaders and evangelists out there, and a few have posted here.
I would believe in God if I felt it, deep down.