Well, instead of making a new thread for each of my postings, I'm just going to make this thread my personal writing place. This is going to be some pretty personal stuff, just warning you all in advance. But I think it'll do me some good to share it. I guess we'll see.
Tears wont come to my eyes now
I think I just ran out
No matter how I push or scream or try
They seem to leave me dry
I feel it burn inside my chest
As sorrow fills my life
But pressing up into my throat
the sobs still get choked down
I cant feel the prick anymore
of salt that stings my eyes
or rivers down my cheeks and chin
The taste of tears inside
And if I think too long on this
It makes things even worse
I want to cry for lack of tears
To scream and sob and curse
But nothing comes
My eyes are dry
And even through the pain
I feel myself just push it down
Embrace the flame