Originally posted by Forks
ok, i see your point, but a being does exist at the moment of conception.... i first felt our baby start kicking around very early in the pregnancy- i could hold my hand on my wife's stomach and feel her little legs kick. that moment was beautiful.... the truth of the matter is we don't know the moment that we become the person we are outside of the womb. it could be day 1 or it could be day 27. there is no way to really know. its just not right to end that life. there is something beautiful at work there and i believe its murder to kill it- at any stage. even if its not technically a person, IT WILL BECOME A PERSON. you destroy life when you have an abortion.
I'm glad that you have had such a beautiful experience, but who are you to impose your opinion about the beginning of life on everyone else based on your own opinions and feelings? There are a number of religions (Judaism and Islam among them) that hold that a fetus isn't a person until, what, 30 days in? And it's hard to argue that a 3- or even a 6-month-old fetus is "the person we are outside the womb." The point is it's a metaphysical debate, for now, and even though you might have very strongly held beliefs, they're simply your beliefs and not based in any kind of facts. My beliefs are different. Are they any better? No. They're just as much based in opinion and emotion as yours are.
And birth control pills are not the same as abortion. BC pills prevent the release of an egg. I think there are some that prevent the implantation of a (theoretically) fertilized egg, but I think they are no longer used, or at least used only in rare cases.
And even if an egg or sperm are not technically a person before they meet up, they still
could become a person - so are you going to protest condoms? Contraception? Sex for purposes other than procreation? At least be consistent in your judgments.