Originally posted by firefly
well... it isn't entirely true that doing drugs causes no harm to others.. the obvious examples are drunk driving and second-hand smoke. in the case of marijuana, if half of americans smoke them self stupid it could make the economy even worse. then again, i don't know anything about politics/economics, and 90% of people are dumbasses anyway
i say legalize it, but i'm not gonna try it
Well....therein lies the hypocracy of it all. There are
MAJOR social problems with alcohol abuse. I can't speak for the U.S. but certaintly over here in Ireland.
People drink:...get roudy and get violent. Walking through streets and parks at night is dangerous because of drink. Vandalism and brawling are all hallmarks of alcohol abuse.
People smoke hash:.....and get a bit sleepy!
Which is going to contribute more to social degredation? hmmmm?
The fact is that alcohol abuse is a scourge. Yet the substance is completely legal. Weed is (relatively) harmless, causes no real social probelms, and is ilegal!?
Something doesn't make sense there!
Now, I'm not anti-drink at all. I do myself drink. The problem with alcohol is alcohol
abuse and public disorderlyness.
Nor am I pro-weed. An occasional joint is fine, but when you start to spend 24-7 stoned off your face you know that you've got a problem! There have been a few reports that weed causes brain damage. These are VERY tentative, imho, and seem to be based on very sketchy evidence, however, it is certainly backed up from my own experience.
I've seen a number of highly intelligent people take up smoking weed, and a mere five years later they are absolutely moronic losers with nothing but mush for brains and don't have the ability to hold down the simplest of jobs.
Like I said, people should be able to make up their own damn minds. What right does the government have to say what I can and cannot do to my own body!?