Isn't everyone going to Hell?
There's an old joke about a college final exam where the instructor asks the students if Hell is increasing or decreasing in heat. In the one reply noted in the joke a student says Hell is increasing in heat because there are many religions in the world, as a rule people only belong to one religion, and most religions believe anyone who does not follow their religion is going to hell.
If you truly believe in your religion and others truly believe in theirs, then in your your eyes they will go to hell and in their eyes you will be going to hell, so it seems that everyone is going to hell. Doesn't it?
Personally I think the afterlife is whatever a person believes it will be. If you believe in heaven and hell then that is the reality you will create. If you believe in a 'Happy Hunting Ground", then that's what you get. If you believe you be welcomed into Valhalla then keep your cape and sword ready.
IS THAT IT ???!!!
Do you even know what 'it' is?
When the last man dies for just words that he said... We Shall Be Free
Last edited by BentNotTwisted; 07-30-2003 at 02:48 PM..