Back when I worked in a kitchen, we had a an ex-con working with us (working in a kitchen is hands down one of the essencial life experiences everyone needs to have). Now I don't know how we got on the subject of sex and masterbation in jail but it came up and our friend schooled us on the homemade "prison pussy"
Ya get a shampoo bottle, rubberband, sock and a plastic bag or saran wrap and some hand lotion.
You cut the end of the bottle off, roll the sock up into itself with the center hollow or accessable. Wrap the rubber bands around the sock (use a couple to cover the length. Stuff the plastic inside the sock so it "holds" everything and gives you a slick riding surface. Stick all of that into the shampoo container. Add some lotion and waalaa... instant fun.
I've never made the PP, but I have retained it's knowledge to share with others.
Some days I wish I still worked in the dregs of a kitchen.
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Last edited by GSRIDER; 07-30-2003 at 08:13 AM..