I've never seen anything on a commercial Penis Enlargement site that you couldn't find, and in better detail, on a free forum such as PEforums or Thunder's Place. Well, the better sites have movies that show how different exercises are performed. The free forums can't afford the bandwidth for that and have to settle for copious text descriptions.
I've tried PE, based on what I've read on the free forums.
Yes, it works.
Very, very slowly.
Trying to enlarge your wang will give you sympathy for all the girls out there struggling to lose cellulite or such. The effort/result ratio is slim. If you keep at it, tho, you will eventually see results. We can take this analogy farther.
Any promise of massive results for little time/effort can be viewed the same as you would a diet that claimed to drop 30 pounds in 30 days or the like. It's a crock.
Among the frequenters of these forums, you'll find the general opinion that pumps, hanging weights, and manual exercises can all work. They can all wreck your wang, if done improperly, too. In ways that don't heal. Learn some rules of thumb at least before you try any of them.
Most of the people who frequent these boards think that pills are a crock, tho a few lump them into the 'can't hurt' catagory, or mix their own suppliments. Even the folks who don't oppose pills will tell you that they're the worst value for your money tho. Add them only as the last aspect of a program after getting everything else in place, it seems.
As for blocking the spam, no special techniques for this particular catagory. Me, I'm moving more of my eMail accounts to my Mac. The OS X eMail prog comes with a built in spam blocker.