Do NOT drop out of high school. If there's one thing in this life that you just need to suck it up and do it, it's high school. You start your real life with a major handicap without that diploma.
I'm not going to tell you not to drop out of college, since I did (they say kicked out, I say dropped out) but I joined the military and my life is much better now than it probably would have been if I had graduated with the English degree I was working on at Buffalo. If you do leave college, you should have a plan in place before you go, and it should be more than a vague "going into construction."
If you want info on the military, PM me and I'll tell you all about it, particularly the Navy. If you'd prefer a different service, I can help you find the info. I'm not a recruiter, I don't get points or money or credit for signing you up, but honestly, some recruiters out there DO deserve their bad reputation, and the sailors they put in do more harm than good after they realize they've been lied to. I've been in for just about 8 years, I'm knocking on the door to E-7 and never made a better decision in my life. But even the military will close some doors to you if you don't finish high school, you'll need at least the Good Enough Diploma (GED).