Originally posted by Tandem
Mohammed Habib and his family live with only a plastic sheet for shelter
I've been to Delhi. This guy's situation isn't unique. There are thousands of people, entire families, living under discarded plastic sheets stretched over sticks. One of the most depressing things I've ever seen.
One thing I noticed though is that they all seemed to be busy. I rarely saw an adult holding his hand out. The kids, yes. Half an hour after my arrival, a little girl not more than 5 was begging at my car's window at a stop light. Nearly tore out my heart.
The adults, however, work. Many, like this guy, just start doing something that needs to be done. Whether it's gathering corpses, picking up trash, or sweeping the street with a tree branch. Few of them receive any official payment for their efforts but instead rely exclusively on donations from others more fortunate.
My experience there was an exercise in defining the far ends of the spectrum of human existance. Such complete and utter desperation visible on the streets of Delhi and only 150 miles from one of the most majestic of man's artistic accomplishments - the Taj Mahal.