Originally posted by Sun Tzu
It states the obvious fact that if creatine is not continued levels will drop. It indeed shows what loading does. Was there another groups of males in that study that didnt do the load but started a maintainence dose at the same time?
Yeah - they had some starting 3g/day without the loading:
A similar, but more gradual, 20% increase in muscle total creatine concentration was observed over a period of 28 days when supplementation was undertaken at a rate of 3 g/day
I try and hunt down a study I read 2 years ago, where something like mentioned was done. On a percentage scale both groups saw a performance increase but those who loaded werent outperforming those that didnt.
Similar results to the study I posted - at 28 days there wasn't any difference between those who loaded and those who didn't. The difference is only really in the first few weeks.
I just dont see three weeks being lost, but thats only my opinion. Ive tried it both ways. Ive wasted entire jars of it loading for a month (back when I though more was better)
Certainly wouldn't recommend loading for a month - just a week. You "lose" 3 weeks in that you've been using creatine for that time without having the elevated muscle concentrations - you save about 100g of powder, but then again in 3 weeks you'd use over 100g anyway!
Is there an address to the study you posted I'd like to read the rest of it. Thanks for the info.
http://jap.physiology.org/cgi/content/abstract/81/1/232 for the abstract
http://jap.physiology.org/cgi/reprint/81/1/232 for the pdf
- however, you'll need a subscription
Hope that helps!