Thread: jury duty?
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Old 07-29-2003, 11:19 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: The Hell I Created.
penalty for not showing up would most likely be contempt of court which would be a fine and possibly a night in jail. dress in at least khaki's and a polo style shirt, any more casual could land you in contempt of court as well.

i've been summoned twice. i have not made it to jury selection though. they'll sit you in a big room with lots of people and assign you a number. if your number is called, you and the group you're called with will be brought to jury selection where you will then be asked questions, and you will either be selected for that case or you will go back to the big room and wait to be called to possibly sit on another case. at least that's how it works out where i live. you're there for the day whether you like it or not, you're not going to get dismissed from it, so just suck it up and try to enjoy the ride.
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