Originally posted by grumpyolddude
Shouldn't this be cross-posted in "Philosophy?"
You raise an interesting question, my melancholy friend. Girls can and will break you. And whether or not you try, you will break a few hearts, too.
The world is not sad, or joyful, or morose, or evil, or benign. On a good day, it is neutral. On a bad day, it's STILL neutral! The world is Switzerland! Play suckle on its peaks and slake your lust in its valleys! If you don't, then vote yourself the idiot .
btw: those who voted "I hate you" and "stop posting" without comment: Switzerland should give you a nasty STD, IMHO
Well thought out reply. Finally got the kind of feedback I was looking for. I suppose what initially compelled me to post this thread is a mixture of two things: the fact that this one certain girl made me suffer a great deal, and the fact that-- when observed properly-- it does seem as if though everything is in its right place ("all is right with the world").
The part about a woman breaking a man just because she can is actually lyrics from Fiona Apple's "Criminal" song. The part about "God is in His Heaven, all is right with the world" comes from a song by Robert Browning titled "Pippa passes".
I suppose instead of going to the tilted sexuality forum and complaining about the grief this girl has caused me, I instead post strange threads in Tilted Nonsense. I don't want people to feel sorry for me (if I did, then I'd post in Tilted Sexuality), but I do feel like I must express this frustration in some way.
And them people who didn't post but voted (especially for the meaner options that I made available...) should get their arses back here and post