Okay, I see now that you guys posted about air pressures and remember at the top I posted "with the same air pressure".
See the issue with lowering tire pressures it it GREATLY effects handling. So now your running into the issue of you are going to give up handling for traction... well who gives a damn about traction down the streight if you can't turn worth a darn.... That is why I suggested keeping tire pressures at a constand. Once you talk about adjusting pressures then you need to take into account the differnce in performances between the two tires which is a verible that has a infinate ammount of awnsers.
Now in the 380 HP motor we run in American Sedan, I can get a 9" slick spinning (all throttle, no clutch work) at 50 MPH on a streight line, exiting a turn its even easier because of the lateral load the tire has applied to it. Now the funny part is it is harder to sping that 17X11 in a streight line but the ass end is much more "active" exiting a turn with the 17X11. The main reason is the profile of the tire has less give to it and it will not eat up the inperfections in the road. On top of it, the 17X9 will keep a larger contact patch (both on the X and Y axis) while under threshold weight transfers. By this I mean going from the max skid pad (lateral load) transfering to max horazontal load (acceleration). Both of these were done on a 35 series tire with what was considered optimal air pressures (not the same)..
BTW: Carol Smith's Race Car Setup books are another great series