Yeah, dude, don't sweat it. Unless they bleed. Then sweat it.
Kidding. Actually, I kinda feel for ya. There was a period a few years back when I developed a rather gruesome, recurring rash on little yeahjim, and I freaked out. Being insecure (ahh, aren't we all?) I didn't tell anybody and wondered whether my shared-drink STD or whatever the fuck was life-threatening or merely painful and recurring. As I was a virgin, I was doubly clueless and intimidated by the whole thing.
I went to the free sex doctor one fine day and- hey hey! it was all good. Just some random rash. Moral: no biggie.
As to explaining your wretched, terrible condition to the girl who's about to go down on you, don't sweat it. I assume the decision to perform oral sex on a guy is less motivated by appearance than by smell. Chances are, given that men and women have very different organs and that much of sex happens in the dark, you won't have to explain a thing.
If, by chance, she gets that sly look in her eye and says, "Heyyyy, is that herpes?" you say "No, some penises look that way. That's your piece of cock trivia for the day." Then say "Seriously," for emphasis. Moreover, lots of people (namely sexually active women) are already aware of said conditions. My second girlfriend was the one who told me about the subject. Her first looked like you.
So, again, my advice is to not worry about it. You're doing way too much thinking about this already. Now go screw somebody.