I won't call what they did protesting. When you break laws you are no longer protesting. You now become a lowlife criminal.
No shit...i mean, damn that Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King, too! For that matter, the sabatours that tried to trip up the Nazis, Thoreou, the hippies at Tienamen Square, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, any other rabble rouser. I can't beleive people don't follow unjust laws, and just mind their own business.
No, wait, that's total bullshit. They were obviously willing to serve this sentence in order to break laws they think are unjust. They did so in a non-violent manner, and made no effort to disguise what they did. I don't agree with them, but your condemnation of them is without merit. Simply attacking them as being "lowlife" does nothing to prove the worth, or lack thereof of civil disobediance.
Nor does "property damage" make the difference. They're going to pay for the fence, a very costly one at that. I'm simply unmoved as to the difference between making the state pay to arrest someone and making the state pay for a fence is.
If you say civil disobedieance is ALWAYS wrong, then you have ceeded ALL moral judgement on your behavior to the state, and beleive that you will follow any order or law, no matter how odious it is to you. The phrase "just following orders" ring a bell? There is no free thinking allowed in that position-all laws are 100% moral becase the state enforces them, and all you do is in complience with the laws. Take a broader view...the state is not perfect. Resigning your responsibility over to them by refusing to disobey injust laws is to empty yourself of your free will.