The key is finding something you enjoy enough that you won't mind going to school for. I aced most of my college courses when I was taking an HR management program, but I dropped out because I hated every second of it, I despised my desk job and couldn't bear to fill out meaningless forms for the rest of my life, the best part of the job was when they finally laid me off, which gave me the chance to go back to school for my real passion, cooking.
If traditional academia isn't for you, learn a trade, there are tons of unemployed techies out there, but there's always good paying work for a skilled labourer. You'll have to go to college or trade school for it, but if you enjoy what you're doing, your classes won't seem too hard.
But as a few other have said, if you're in high school, finish that or you'll be closing almost every single door out there.