I don't doubt science per say; after all, if needs be I can go out and replicate it. If something is going to clash against my paradigm, then I'll do some further research into the matter.
Someone said something earlier about "just a theory", I think that's a bit of a misnomer, because scientists do not use the word "theory" as laypeople do.
I said this in another thread, but here I go again:
A Law is (basically) a repeatable observation (what goes up, must come down).
A hypothesis is, an educated guess as to why the repeatable observation occurs.
A theory is a tried and true explanation of why the observation happens (ie, objects of large mass attract objects of smaller mass-basically).
So saying something is "just a theory", in the popular vernacular is more akin to saying that it's "just a hypothesis", instead of saying it's a theory.