If the White House wants to protect the Saudi government from embarassment then why has the Saudi government told the White House it has no objections to the release of the classified (and supressed) portion of the 9/11 report? The Saudi Govt even asked that the classified portion of the report dealing with the "Saudi connection" be published. (As reported today on CNN). Could it be that the real reason for the White House to supress this portion of the 9/11 report is because it would reveal the financial ties between the Bush family and the bin Laden family and other Saudi royals having ties to bin Laden and al-Qaida's financial network? Check out Project Censored's "Bush Administration Hampered FBI Investigation into Bin Laden Family Before 9/11."
http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2003/4.html (Sorry. Don't know how to set up a link.)