Well this is total BULLSHIT!!
Fight for years to get accepted and treated as an equal in society and then turn and give it the finger.
Sue the Government,Military,places of employment, boyscouts,and the school systems then go out and open your little special school to SEPERATE yourself from society.
The parents that send their kids to this school are in my opinion are DIPSHITS!!
Personally I am a little tired of hearing about these special interest groups dictating the future of our society as a whole forcing their wants and causes down our throats while spending and wasting our tax dollars for bullshit like this school.
I really don't think a kid in New York city that is gay is going to get harrassed in school, now if he was in Alabama that would be a different story. And who cares if he's harrased..........IT'S SCHOOL.............we all got harrassed at sometime or another in school no matter what color,religon,height,weight,looks,sexual preference,size of penis,hair,gender,clothes,financial situation,bus we rode on, and how smart we were..........IT'S FUCKING SCHOOL.....thats part of growing up and it either makes you stronger as a perosn before you go out in society or you turn into a major fucking whimp that stays living with mommy and daddy the rest of your life because you're to afraid and too stupid to deal with life on lifes terms.
If I had a kid in New York city I would try to enroll my child in that school and if they refused because he was not gay.......I WOULD SUE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM for discrimination!
Oh, I hope the city remembers to send a notice to the Firefighters and Police officers explaining where their pay raise went to.
Last edited by KeyserSoze; 07-29-2003 at 06:28 AM..