Episode 3
Unlike many, I am truly looking forward to Episode 3. I think this will be the best of the entire series (originals or prequels). Ever since Empire Strikes Back I have been wishing for a Star Wars movie that is much darker (a.k.a. more realistic, IMO) in tone. It seems the other 5 movies all tend to sugar coat things or gloss over truly 'serious' issues in favor of having a nice story with a happy ending (or at least that eventually leads to a happy ending). Episode 3 is the only chance GL has left to tell a much more gritty and real story that, while still leaving room for hope, doesn't have a neat a tidy happy ending.
If Ep. 3 disappoints me, so be it, but for the moment I eagerly await it more than I've looked forward to any of the others in the series.