Word of the day July 29
The Word of the Day for July 29 is:
gambol • \GAM-bul\ • (verb) to skip about in play; frisk, frolic
A little more information about today’s word:
In Middle French, the noun "gambade" referred to the frisky spring of a jumping horse. In the early 1500s, the English word "gambol" romped into print as both a verb and a noun. (The noun means "a skipping or leaping about in play.") The English word is not restricted to horses, but rather can be used of any frolicsome creature. It is a word that suggests levity and spontaneity, and it tends to be used especially of the lively activity of children or animals engaged in active play.
My sentence:
"The dawn of spring also brings out animals, and, closest to home, rabbits gambol and frolic nearby. . . ."
-- Frank Curcio, [Bridgewater, NJ] Courier News, April 16, 2003
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 10th Edition.
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