Originally posted by Cynthetiq
I'm a fan of the pseudosciences like sociology and phsychology, for it's scientific methods. One cannot replicate the same findings from place to place with the pseudosciences.
whoah! Skating on thin ice here...I'd say things like phrenology, numerology, etc. would be better examples of pseudoscience than sociology or psychology. While they may not be "hard" science, or could even be occasionally considered quasi-scientific, for the most part these two fields use techniques (statistical and logical) that are equal to, if not more fundamentally precise than the hard sciences. Also, most psychological or sociological EXPERIMENTS *can be* and *are* replicated by other labs. Which adds to the statement above that most scientists are skeptical observers, and are quite conservative when it comes to accepting something as the “modern scientific assumption.”
That being said, science pays the rent here, gets me beers and music, and affords me the time and comfort to read this thread. I believe in it wholly, but will be the first to admit to an overriding belief in divinity and a cosmos. At which we’re all slowly, slowly chipping away an understanding.