from csfilms:
"What next? Maybe we should have schools for chubby kids who get picked on. Maybe all kids who wear glasses should have special schools. It's ridiculous,"
This is a terrible idea. I agree with csfilms' point above. Anytime you single out a specific group for what ever reason, its bound to backfire.
Does anyone remember recently when a highschool had a prom for whites only? (I don't remember where it was.) Each group will start requesting special privilieges or they threaten to sue.
I hope this doesn't go through. Imagine underage kids saying that its cool that they want to go here and in the future they regret that they did it. What happens then? Don't parents have a choice in the matter. The parents cannot do anything when their kids become of legal age (18). But before 18 they should and could.
I would have thought that this would have happened in San Francisco before in New York.
I'm "Glad I Ate Her" because the payback was worth it!!
Last edited by Glad-I-Ate-Her; 07-28-2003 at 08:18 PM..