Well, actually the limit on PST files is (was? used to be?) 2GB. There was a MS Knowledgebase article about it that I have bookmarked on my work computer. Every week or so, I (with much trepidation) check his PST file and make sure it's not getting too large.
It used to be, back in the days of Outlook 97 and so on, that when it hit 2GB, *wham*. Instant corrupt and unrecoverable PST. We had someone do that a few years back, had to yank the two-day-old backup, nuke the 2.something GB file, and they only lost a little e-mail.
Then we made them clean their shit up. It wasn't much fun, but at that point, who in the hell needs to have 2GB of saved e-mail available AT ALL TIMES? Archiving is your friend.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!