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Old 07-28-2003, 05:09 PM   #130 (permalink)
Googlism for: dogma

dogma is "if i don't like it
dogma is anti
dogma is suspect
dogma is great except that it tends to encourage dogmatism
dogma is one of the greatest disappoinments of the
dogma is a
dogma is het andere niet
dogma is "if i don't like it
dogma is the latest chapter in a never
dogma is suspect by
dogma is released
dogma is about two angels
dogma is a metacomputing environment which allows use of clusters of heterogeneous computers as well as anonymous nodes which may participate via browsers or
dogma is one of the greatest disappoinments of the year
dogma is a truth derived from the scripture by means of intuitive and reflective thinking
dogma is a treat
dogma is to chasing amy what mallrats was to clerks will sound alarm bells
dogma is that after the destruction of sodom and gomorrah
dogma is a triumph by joe folladori
dogma is an absolute theological foundation
dogma is now understood to be a truth appertaining to faith or morals
dogma is presented on dvd in a very good
dogma is a surprisingly dull parable
dogma is friendly
dogma is an intelligent
dogma is connected to because
dogma is like an underground comics version of the eternal
dogma is the latest release in a series of movies that tries to illustrate the farce that is organised religion
dogma is a twisted road movie that will entertain you for two hours while still making you think
dogma is living proof of that
dogma is
dogma is probably the biggest pro
dogma is indie film director kevin smith's highest profile flick yet
dogma is less of a film and more a mishmash of modernized religious ideas and images represented by a good script and talented actors
dogma is without doubt critical of organized religions
dogma is primarily known for the controversy it caused and the catholics it angered
dogma is a work of art that is sweet love to the minds of some and utter filth to others
dogma is fashionably used a lot these days
dogma is like a lion that roams the forest freely; who has no predator or equal
dogma is everywhere in our lives
dogma is the latest film from director kevin smith
dogma is an old story for allopathic medicine
dogma is two
dogma is that it both manages to be a smith film while also radically pushing the envelope of that niche
dogma is being denounced by the catholic league
dogma is a tonic
dogma is a lively and violent farce
dogma is *not* anti religion
dogma is no exception
dogma is a powerful film
dogma is something that any lawyer should be able to appreciate
dogma is different
dogma is used by a single user to run parallel applications on local clusters of machines
dogma is foaming at the mouth and is clearly rabid
dogma is not "rubbish"
dogma is a film about two fallen angels who pithily lament their twentysomething lives while
dogma is i guess what you could call kevin's epic
dogma is the belief that the price mechanism or the working of a market economy needs to be
dogma is written and directed by kevin smith and delivers all that you would expect from him
dogma is an occasionally funny and only superficially transgressive comedy about catholicism and religion
dogma is the story of two former angels
dogma is pretty good
dogma is jason mewes
dogma is hollywood's final confession of evil
dogma is jam
dogma is at the same time extremely vulgar and extremely spiritual
dogma is that genetic information flows from dna to rna to proteins
dogma is fast and furiously witty
dogma is a far cry from the emotional heights of chasing amy or the down
dogma is a truly excellent film that i regret not giving its due upon its first release
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