hehehe Mill, you did the exact same google image search that I did. I saw those pics but didnt use them because they are not your typical fwd setups.
also, while Mill has a point that there has to be a lower pivot point somewhere, most fwd cars still manage to avoid using a control arm. usually, the steering knuckle provides this. the s.k. bolts to the front subframe by means of a ball joint and this ball joint is the pivot point. the steering knuckle is a very comlex part that serves not only as the point of connection for the strut, but also the piont of connection for the whole assembly to the front subframe, as well as the point of connection for the tie rod ends which attach to the steering gear (rack and pinion in 99% of the cases) which translates the circular motion of the steering wheels to a linear motion to turn the wheels. the steering knuckle also holds the brake calipers and rotors as well as wheel bearings. finally, the cv drive shafts pass through it too.
quite an impressive device, that steering knuckle.
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...