I work on the help desk for my company and here are a few stories that come to mind.
User calls and says "my mouse doesn't work, can you send someone over". Since this person was the admin for our CFO, we sent someone over. The problem was that she kicked the mouse cable off the back of her computer (note: her computer was on the floor). So the person drops by and plugs the mouse back in and everything is good right?
Well We aren't so lucky for about the next 2 months, usually about once a week, she calls with the some problem (yes we even ask her to plug the mouse cable back in but she "doesn't know how"). We finally solved it by moving the computer in such a way that she couldn't "accidentally" kick out the cable.
One other idiot at my company (high level exec no less) refuses to archive his e-mail (we have a server side limit). We have trained all of our other users (including the rest of our high level execs and HR) on how to archive their e-mail, but this guy refuses (he even refused to let us setup a rule to autoarchive his e-mail. so this results in us getting a call from his admin (once a week, sometimes more) that "he needs his e-mail archived", and because our boss refuses to tell him that that's not our job, we have to do it for him. (Note: that this has been going on for 1-1/2 years already)