Not enough space/time here to really discuss roleplaying experiences, but will make a comment about the Wereflea. Take a look at "Freak Legion" (fomori book) and read the entry on the Hollw Man. I would think that a Hollow Man infested by fleas would close to a lupines worst nightmare. *scratch, scratch*
My big advice, from gaming/GM'ing for more than 20 years, is figure out what story you want to tell. WoD aside, this has always been central to good games. Write a major story arc and tell it over the course of the campaign. When time comes to end the game, end it. Nothing worse than a game limping along after the real story has ended.
Good luck running Werewolf. It's one of my favorites to run and has enormous potential for being fun. I'm running a Mage chronicle currently, but given the setting, there is an immense amount of werewolf influence and interaction. It's great.