Hi, lately I've been feeling weak, not motivated to do anything. Are there any herbal suppliments out there to boost energy?
.. To be honest it pissed me off that some people actually answer that you have to eat pills of any kind to get energy! ..
Eat your food right, go to bed in time, and get up early. Get a good life cyclus, and once again, Eat eat eat! ..
Its all in the food, you have no need for pills or drinks, or or or, If you just eat the right food. And ironicly enough, the best food is the cheap food, eat Pasta, eat Salads for the fibres, Lots of fruit for the different sugars that fruit can give you.
It has been proven that over 50% of the energy or strength you get from different pills is mental.
You know you just ate a bunch of pills that gives you more energy, so your brain reacts to that by giving you more energy. Cause you don't wanna get disapointed. (basicly)
So my answer to this will be: Eat the right food, at the right time. Eat alot, and drink alot of water, Sodapops will only get you full untill the next meal, and it wont give you what you need.
I don't write that pills and energy drinks won't work. Im just saying it can be done elsehow.
Just stop being lazy, and start doing some mental preparation for your next exercise, it will enhance your performance more then you think