A mild tangent: I once worked at a company where my manager was a Malaysian Indian with a very traditional, conservative background; a woman's place is in the home and all that.
One day I mentioned I was heading home to make dinner, and he started saying, "It's very different in this country, in my house I am the man. I don't do the dishes. I don't cook. That is woman's work."
He was literally beating his chest punctuating these comments.
A day or two later, one of our workmates was asking around to see who wanted to head out for beers after work. My manager looked sheepish and said, "I have had my night out this week; I must go home."
Delighted, I siezed on the opportunity. Beating my chest, I roared, "In my house, I cook, I do the dishes, and I go out any damn night I please!"