Perfect timing Hal, Just last night i ended up with a woman. Timing: horribly bad, i knew this girl Beth for a long time, met her at the same Christian camp where i got head for the first time. I was back up for the weekend to pick up my brother. Late at night we took a walk down the road and sat down in the middle of the backroad and talked for about 3 hours. Mood: great, shes reallu fun to talk to. Whom: Beth. Anyway, we started making out, i had just gotten my lip peirced that morning, off to the left side, so making out was kind of strange, but no that bad if i was careful. Anyway, about 15 to 20 min. in it started to rain, then rain harder. You would think that that would be a bad thing, but it wasnt that bad, it was really hot before so the rain felt good. It was great, we were up all night.
The Above post is a direct quote from Shakespeare
Last edited by YourNeverThere; 07-29-2003 at 05:15 PM..