from the first page somewhere
The fact that scientists and archaelogists are finding evidence to prove stories in the Bible.
Actually scientists and archaelogists are finding evidence to prove stories in the bible in a BAD way - i.e not for the religious people
Popular Mechanics - December 2001
Science solves more mysteries of the bible
Jericho Falls-
"So the people shouted and the trumpets were blown... they raised a great shout, and the wall fell down flat."
"Professor Amos Nur of the Department of Geophysics at Stanford University plotted the the epicenters of all earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.5 that have struck the Eastern Mediterranean region since 1910. when he ploted the sites of the city ruins, he found that neary all the cities lay in highly active earthquake zones - suggesting violent quakes could have redued the cities to rubble" pg 81
It also covers Manna from heaven, The dial of Ahaz and the Miracle of Fish. if you can get ahold of it, it is an interesting read.
Last edited by omnigod; 07-27-2003 at 08:00 PM..