Well, just got back from watching Vengeance at BW-3's...glad I didn't have to pay for it. It was pretty bad, first, they burn off the US Title match, which should have been done later, it wasn't too bad. The rest of the matches were below average, and then Zack Gowen takes his leg off for his match against Vinnie Mac. I thought that was a pretty cool move for an otherwise bad match. Who's Vince going to wrestle next PPV? Christopher Reeve???
The title match wasn't too bad, even with Big Slow in it. Angle and Lesnar have some good chemistry in the ring. I would like to see thos two fighting for the title every month. It would have to be better than HHH defending...
Finally, the Summerslam commercial was the highlight of the PPV...Brock Lesnar giving an F-5 to a shark! Comic gold!
"Give her your coat"
"Why me?"
"Because you're perfect."
"You have a point there."