i've had a couple lovers who copiously squirted. the first one (M.)felt very uncomfortable about it, and confided she often exaggerated (ie, faked) the intensity of her orgasms with other lovers so that intercourse would stop before she made a big mess. she didn't do that with me, because she felt more comfortable about it. the other woman (L.), just now 20, discovered how to squirt a couple years ago while masturbating. she concurs that relaxation is the key. L. begins to trickle, then flow, then shoots a geyser. i usually do, too, just from watching, if i'm not inside her. i guess, though, if i'm inside her, that usually makes me come, as well. guys, girls: RELAX!! one responder up here also commented on the distension, or pushing out, of her pussy. when L. is approaching a squirting orgasm, her labia and the whole shebang pulsate, out and back. this happens on a regular, rythmic basis as she begins to trickle and then flow. just as she is about to gush, however, the intensity builds, and you can sense the erratic, erotic variance in pulsations. viewing, it's remarkably hot. inside her, as this builds, is out of this world! great topic, by the way. i think i'll go "cry me a river."
beetle bailey, pfc: veteran of the acid wars,
six tours, distinguished conduct medal, honorable discharge