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Old 07-27-2003, 02:47 PM   #60 (permalink)
Location: Silicon Valley, CA, USA, Earth
Originally posted by Phaenx
He hasn't been called on it because it's silly political spin fodder.
It's every single bit as relevant as Clinton's Vietnam years. It also calls into question his fitness for the office - just as Clinton's draft-dodging did. So again, why hasn't he been called on it?


He did return to his Texas guard unit and served until he requested an honorable discharge, which he recieved.
He never actually returned to his unit. And he was given an honorable discharge eight full months before his term of service was to end. The entire thing is shot through with evidence of political patronage and string-pulling.

And the question of whether or not we lost the last two wars is misleading at best, or a strawman argument. We supposedly went into Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden "dead or alive." We have not done so. We ostensibly went into Iraq to disarm that nation of weapons of mass destruction. We have not done so; we have not even found said weapons.

The question of victory is always shaped by the political objectives of a war. We have not met those objectives; at best, we have not lost these wars, but we have not concluded them, either.
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