Well he has some points.. but those points apply on a society where we don't have the modern appliances we have today. I'ts no use getting worked up over it cuz it was true 50 years go but with the technological revolutions we have lived through the last 20 years or so the role of family supporter can be given to any or both the parents.
Yesterday wour societys survival depended on women to stay at home, today i'd say it is almost the opposite.
Imho it is time to find the middle road, where each family decides for themselves who should support the family (one or both). The problem is that many (maybe one fifth) feminists (at least this is what i have experienced. so this may not be universal) abhor the role biology places on them in the aspect of the speices survival and blame it on the men since our role is an other.
This doesn't compute.. You play with the cards you were given, you don't start campaigns against those who got a different set of cards than you simply because you would rather play with those cards.
Todays society and technical level allows women that "freedom" those feminists wanted.
So why the he** not let them experience it.
<h3>Equal opportunity, simply because we can!!!!</h3>
The error in his argument is that he claims that women are the only ones capable of bringing up children properly. He claimed that families with "equal power parents" weren't capable of brining up their children properly.
As you might see his error already i will just take the time and rub it in his face since i'm not a verry nice guy.
He describes families where none of the parents take any form of responsibility and blames the outcome on the woman "since it is her traditional place in society". The problem here is not the woman. It is both parents since none of them shoulders the responsibility necesarry. As i see it, it is both parents responsibility to raise the children properly.
When it comes to children, i do think the best thing would be for one of the parents to invest large ammounts of time in raising them. My parents didn't give a shit about my upbringing and it have scarred me for life.
But it should not mean that one parent take care of it all. It takes two to create a child, and it takes two to bring 'em up properly.
The reason the TRUE feminists went sour on men was because many of us stoped caring about our children, leaving the whole burden on them. No singel woman or singel man is capable of bringing up a child as good as two parents can do together.
It is a Cooperation to raise a child and we all need someone who can relive some of the pressure when it gets too much.
That said i think we all deserve a bowl of icecream!!
Oh and i think raeanna74 deserves a big cherry on top aswell!!