"Women are weak and pathetic" - Quoted from Topic
The topic is insulting and derogative. Women are who they are suppose to be, half of the human race, not less than or more than. Our species, like most, requires cooperation between the genders to survive. Bearing our offspring was given to those we call women, providing food, shelter and protection given to those we call men. Respect for each gender and the traditional, biological role they have filled in the race's survival is paramount.
While the author of that really long-winded article may have some valid points, mostly the one based on Biology, wishing for things to be like they were in the past is like wishing the earth was still flat.
Last, maybe his only worthy point, the family unit and it's instilling of family values to our offspring is being lost by having both parents working and no one raising the child with those family values. In that, I think we become less human . . .
Will Code for food . . .
Last edited by Gorgo; 07-27-2003 at 11:22 AM..