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Old 07-27-2003, 09:15 AM   #54 (permalink)
Location: Silicon Valley, CA, USA, Earth
Originally posted by Phaenx
Well, Clinton did run to Canada and was a fugitive from the law when he ran for governer of Arkansas, and got Carter to give him a pardon, but that's beside the point.
Actually, it's quite germane. I didn't have complete trust of Clinton in military matters because he didn't serve. The point here is that Bush did, in plain fact, go AWOL and hasn't been called on it. Clinton, well, you heard an awful lot about it - 10,000 articles and more - when he was running for President. And there you have it: the double standard. Your willingness to trust a deserter to act as commander-in-chief is evidence of that.
"If it's nae Scottish, it's crap!
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