Diablo 2 - Simply because it has something that other games lack.. something that keeps me hooked, even today.
Final Fantasy 8 - Alot of people hate this game, but I loved it. It had just the right balance of action, story, and gameplay for me. I could really connect emotionally with the characters, but I think thats true of nearly any FF game.
Ultima Online - Back in the day, when it first launched, this was something different for me. A multiplayer online world that keeps on changing after I log off. I guess I was more naive back then, because today I wouldn't touch MMORPGs with a 10-foot pole.
You do not use a Macintosh, instead you use a Tandy
Kompressor break your glowstick, Kompressor eat your candy
Kompressor open jaws, Kompressor release ants
Kompressor watch you scream, Because Kompressor does not dance