The word "vanilla" comes from the Latin word vagina, because of the vanilla pod's resemblance to the female genitalia.
The male pig has a corkscrew shaped penis that looks like his tail, and he slowly "winds" into the female pig before achieving a ten-minute-long orgasm.
There is more to sex in the animal kingdom than doing it doggie style. Did you know that a barnacle's penis is 150 percent of its body length?
Did you know that in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it is illegal to have sex with a truck driver in a tollbooth?
Grand Tetons literally means "big tits".
A sex change has never been performed in Ireland, yet!
Lions will have sex about 500 times with one mate to ensure fertilization.
A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (due to the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex!
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.