Joecool, Jesus was voted to be the son of god in the council of (to lazy to look up exact spelling, starts with an N) around 300 A.D under the orders of Constantine, and it was more of a politcal move then a "hey you know what..that guy walked on water..fuck he must of been the son of god *slaps head", because if the son of god walked the earth, then alot of people would see that as a reason to join your religion, so christianity flourished. Also the true believers of God didn't take to Jesus very well..and the God believing religions of the time now think of him as only a prophet or just a normal man, because they were threatened by his pressence.
And for me, I would want to see a man wearing nifty sandles and a white robe, with rays of sunshine and doves flying around him, and winged humanoids playing harps on his lap standing in front of me, and then promptly smiting me and all these other non-believing hethens.
If this post doesn't make much sense please forgive me, at a Lan party and haven't slept in a day or 2