too bad they are totally differnt types of games..
that's like comparing them to flight sims
"uh..there's music in this game too..lame"
I do like Frequency though. The reason tehy dont make more games like them is because the US market is incredibly shallow and fickle. If you dont make a butloaed of cash right away.. kiss that innovative title goodbye. Look at all the great games that were totally innovative and slept on in the last 3 years. Way of the samurai, ICO, Frequency, Mr. Mosquito, Dynasty warriors, etc... Now look at the fate of games such as PN03, Viewtful Joe... if the public doesnt catch on right away, or if some 40year old thinks kids wont "get it" it never gets a stateside push.. Instead we get GTA4:GeriatricAttack or some shit...