what kind of trust do you have in people?
hm i dont know if anyone else has similar views..but itd be interesting to see if anyone else knows what im talking about....
for me its basically i trust people in a sense of what they say and that they will do what they say to the best of their abilities...
but i dont trust that they would be able to perform it 100% when it most matters...
hm let me expound:
i trust people with secrets, to do things they say they will do, etc...
but usually i never really expect them to keep that secret or do what they say to do 100% of the time. so if they come back to me and say "im sorry blablabla i told this 1 person" its no let down to me because i expected it sooner or later.
its not that i dont trust them, but i dont think that i know anyone that has the ability....like a type of endurance?
so if i was hanging off a 99 story cliff by the hand of a friend, i would trust that he would try to save my life,
but i dont think that he would be able too....
hm i hope it makes sense ^_^