As far as neighbours go, I can't complain about the U.S. Most of what the world sees of America comes from Hollywood and Washington. Which I daresay are the two sleaziest, fakest places in the country. Being the Superpower of the World doesn't help your image either, I'm not saying you should become a bunch of cheese-eating surrender-monkies, but it's a fact of life that being #1 earns you a ton of enemies.
Most of the Americans I've met are pretty cool people, percentage-wise, I've probably met as many stupid Canadians as Americans. You're not all boorish, flag-waving morons, those are just the Americans on TV.
I'll end this somewhat pointless post with a paraphrase of a 'Kids in the Hall' sketch.
(Native shoe-shine boy asks Canadian tourist on tropical island if he'd like his shoes shined)
Native : You American?
Canadian : No, Canadian.
(Native looks puzzled)
Canadian : Like an American, but without a gun.
Native : Ahhhh!
(The sketch ends with the tourist propositioning the shoe shine boy for sex for 20$, but that's not the point of this thread)