I am a helluva lot stronger (physically) and bigger, than most women. So, I suppose if I was a hunter-gatherer I'd be the better hunter. (that statement is sweepingly assumptive. Please don't waste my time picking the nits out of it. I never said women aren't <i>capable</i> of being stronger than me, nor did I mention the beastly muscle chicks that could kick my ass.)
I suppose women and men develped tools to address this disparity.
The author is missing his own point. The theme seems to be that as long as one parent is responsible for income, and one for childrearing, everything will be okay.
That, at least, I can see. The rest of it is simply a person desperate for a solution to the world's problems. This is how he sees it, and hey, rose colored glasses always work.
If you ignore all the other factors in life, the guy is right. Outside his un-reality bubble, however, is a different story indeed.
His choice of the woman as the designated caregiver, chore slave, etc. is simply a product of his upbringing. Personally, I have a problem accepting my (soon to be) spouse as a not-equal. Unimaginable is the word that comes to mind.
I kinda feel sorry for someone with such limited vision.
I really feel sorry for society at large.
Limited vision is not going to ensure species survival (in terms of millions of years of civilization; far, far out there).
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."
Last edited by billege; 07-26-2003 at 03:13 PM..