A Few times, the time that comes to mind first is when I was with a girl in a friends backseat in a park. He was supposed to be keeping lookout, but passed out drunk. The next thing I know is a cop is tapping on the side rear window with his flashlight saying get out of the car. Made me get out of the car with my pants down arouund my ankles while he shined his flashlight on the girls monkey. After she begged he let us off with a warning.
Next time I remember I was doing a girl in a poolhouse beside a public swimming pool with her mother banging on the door for her to come out this instant....She could not since she was on the floor with her head against the door.....My wallet fell out of my pocket when we got finished and I had to go back for it...Her mom was still jumping her ass by the door when I went back.
I never said you had to.