I'd have to say that of all the music I ever downloaded that I didn't pay for I would buy none of it. What am I gonna go spend 20 bucks on a cd that I might listen to 1 song 1 time in the next 10 years for? As if....they haven't lost a sale....and besides, try to find your favorite esoteric 80's punk on any pay site.....good luck
I tried the pay models......emusic, mp3.com et. al
shitty catalogs, the bands 2nd best album etc..... gimme what I want, when I want it, at a fair (read cheap) price. Is that too mucking fuch to ask?
p2p gives me that......
by the way while wer'e giving the RIAA the bird....fuck sony too
"Iron rusts with disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold water freezes. Even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind"
Leonardo Da Vinci